The Man Who Returned From The Dead


Author: John M. Myers

Genre: Historical

Pages: 256

Released On: 25/02/16


Hugh Glass was left to die.

Whilst hunting in the fur-rich, Native American-held territory of the Upper Missouri River, Hugh Glass was attacked and mauled by grizzly bear.

Hundreds of miles away from help; his fellow hunters were unable to carry him out. Two men were paid to wait for him to die.

Unable to wait to the end, Glass’s comrades left him alone in the wilderness – taking his supplies, his knife, and his rifle. Ultimately taking his life.

But Glass didn’t die. Inch by inch, he crawled 200 miles toward survival and his revenge. . .


Not what I was expecting. I’ve yet to see the film but I thought this would be a good read. Not to say that it wouldn’t be for someone else but it definitely wasn’t my cup of tea.

It clearly follows the historical story of Hugh Glass and how even though he is part of a team, he still likes to work in solitude and would often be found making his own way to a certain point. It tells you about the fight with the bear and how others came along and took him for dead. It was only when they noticed he continued to breathe that they took him back with them. After some time they figured there was nothing they could do and gave up on him. Only for him to return some while later. They all began to believe that he had returned from the dead. It then continues on from there.

To be honest I found this very hard to read and that is about all of the story that actually sunk in.

I would say not the best thing I have read but if historical writings is your genre then give it a go.

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